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Download Lyon Crest Svg Font

Hey everyone, are you ready for a brand new look and unique perspective in your typography? Look no more, Lyon & Crest is my new handprinted SVG font that will make each of your projects 100% unique! I am supper happy to present you my brand new, handprinted SVG font. It is something I have been working on for quite some time now and I am sure you'll enjoy it's unique and playful look! The true handprinted look will elevate your work and help you create some new and unique designs.

To use the hand-painted version you will need Photoshop CC 2017, Illustrator CC 2018, or Procreate 4.3 (or newer) Standard version doesn’t require any specific software and can be used on any computer and in any software and even your website.

Lyon & Crest – HandPainted SVG Type includes:

LOVE-CREST-SVG.otf – Main font with true hand-painted look and feel. If you want to use this one you will need Photoshop CC 2017, Illustrator CC 2018, or Procreate 4.3 (or newer).

LOVE-CREST.otf – The fallback normal font that can be used in all apps and software with full language support

15+ Ligatures and Alternates for a unique handwritten look and feel

Photoshop file with all SVG letters that can be helpful if you don't have software that supports SVG fonts

SVG Font supports only English, however, the language symbols are included in the PSD File, so you can use it for any other language as well!

The standard font includes the following letters: A À Á Â Ã Ä Å C Ç D Ð E È É Ê Ë I Ì Í Î Ï N Ñ O Ø Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö U Ù Ü Ú Û W Ŵ Y Ý Ÿ Ỳ Ÿ Æ Œ ß Þ þ in uppercase and supports Danish, English, French, German, Norwegian Bokmål, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish.

Published by SilverStag
Download Lyon Crest Svg