Tag: baroque
ED Tremaria Font
In an age where digital design dominates, the charm of typography cannot be undermined. For every digital and graphic designer, having the right typography is pivotal to the overall design aesthetics and the success of their projects. One such font
Ophylia Font
Design passion meets design sophistication in the digital world with Ophylia – a bold yet charmingly elegant typeface. In the fast-paced world of digital and graphic design where trends fluctuate as rapidly as tides, Ophylia remains a timeless masterpiece. It
Flowers Of Nineties Font
As we continually navigate through the ever-evolving world of digital design, there is a unique allure in revisiting elements from the past, identifying how they can influence and enrich our contemporary creative perspectives. Vintage typography has gracefully stood the test
Whilmare Font
In an era where the intersection of creativity and technology defines the essence of digital design, having the right tools at hand is key. Essential among those tools is a typeface that effortlessly blends traditional aesthetics with contemporary charm –
Loviena Font
Typography serves as an essential tool in the toolbox of any exceptional digital or graphic designer. Akin to a chameleon, it tends to effortlessly morph and redefine digital narratives, helping articulate designers’ sentiments and ideas. In furtherance of this delicate
SLTF Winner Baroque Font
Amidst the visual clamor of the contemporary digital palette, spanning from minimalist sans-serif subtleties to the most audacious display script faces, SLTF Winner Baroque carves out a niche of its own, giving an eloquent nod to the past while firmly
Houstiq Font
Within the realm of graphic design, typography plays an integral role in visually communicating an idea or message. The impression made by a typeface can serve as the skeleton of a design project, defining the artwork’s overall tone and feel.
Gothalian Font
In the sphere of typography, the infusion of history with trendy aesthetics always manufactures fascinating outcomes. One such debut entrancing the graphic and digital design space is the Gothalian Font, a blackletter typeface reviving the opulence of Victorian-age finesse and
Neftalí Pro Font
Designer: Franco Jonas Hernández 2015 First Prize TipoType award. Neftali is a type family designed for continuous reading in long texts & editorial design, created as an interpretation of Pablo Neruda’s “Poema 20”. This work delivers a subtle experimentation of
Baroque Pearl Font
Inspired by Demeter’s Geperle Fournier, Baroque Pearl is a highly ornate display font of the same style which was carefully extended with Baltic, Turkish and Central European character sets. Published by RMU TypedesignDownload Baroque Pearl
Stanhope Font
Designed by Les Usherwood. Digitally engineered by Paul Hickson. Les based the design on a turn-of-the-century typeface of the same name. The foundry is believed to be Soldans & Payvers, circa 1904. Published by Red RoosterDownload Stanhope
Alexon Font
Designed by Les Usherwood. Digitally engineered by Steve Jackaman. Originally in one weight, Steve designed and produced three additional weights. Published by Red RoosterDownload Alexon
Administer Font
Designed by Les Usherwood. Digitally engineered by Steve Jackaman. A few weights were originally released by another foundry; but this complete version of the family is a better match to Les original drawings! Published by Red RoosterDownload Administer
Goudy 38 Font
Designed by Les Usherwood. Digitally engineered by Steve Jackaman. Originally designed by Frederick Goudy for the original Life magazine, circa 1908. The typeface was used almost exclusively for their advertising and was often known as Goudy Gimbel; but the typeface
Garamond Font
Garamond was originally designed by R.H. Middleton for Ludlow, circa 1929-30. Digitally engineered by Steve Jackaman. Published by Red RoosterDownload Garamond
Waverly Font
Waverly is a round and soft serif designed by Les Usherwood, digitally engineered by Steve Jackaman. Published by Red RoosterDownload Waverly
Hess Old Style Font
Designed by Steve Jackaman, Hess Old Style was originally designed by Sol Hess as just a roman and italic for Lanston Monotype, circa 1920-23. Published by Red RoosterDownload Hess Old Style
Kingsrow Font
Designed by Les Usherwood. Digitally engineered by Steve Jackaman. Unofficially named No Frills in the early stages of development, his widow Elsie decided that it would be called Kingsrow. Published by Red RoosterDownload Kingsrow