Tag: casual

Envelove Font

Envelove is the brand new typographic challenge handwritten by Yani Arabena and designed along with Guille Vizzari and Ale Paul, for Sudtipos. It all started as a game for Yani. A carefree and spontaneous calligraphy, making use of the pointed

Bupkis Font

Bupkis literally means ‘goat’s dropping’ in Yiddish, but it is used to say ‘nothing, zero, zilch’. Bupkis is a very nice handmade font. A little formal, a little uneven, a little unusual. Use for it whatever you like, but product

TT Limes Font

The idea of TT Limes emerged at the seashore last year in late summer. Getting ready in advance for a dark winter, we've decided to design a special fontfamily which would bring a bit of vitamins and summer sun into

Madelyn Font

Madelyn is a handwritten script font based on the expression of real handwriting. Amiable and organic, it is perfect if you want to convey individuality and style. It’s written with a calligraphy pen with casual dry strokes and a signature

Buckthorn Font

Buckthorn is a genus of about 110 species of shrubs and small trees, native to North America and Asia. Its uses are varied: it is used for dye, oil, printing ink and oil. That concludes the botany class for today,

VIktorie Font

Not too neat and not too messy, Viktorie might easily be mistaken for the handwriting of a note-taker in a hurry: it looks swiftly jotted down. These energetic characters pay little heed to such arbitrary constraints as baseline or x-height—taken

Oak Street Font

Oak Street has the look of a note written with a felt-tip pen gone blunt from overuse. Distinctively plump and eye-catching, its letters lean slightly to the left. OpenType features include true small caps, lots o’ ligatures, and Central/Eastern European

Barack Pro Font

Barack Pro is the enhanced Version of Ekke Wolf’s typeface Barack. It still has got its casual and hand-drawn look and is best for designing insubordinate, cheeky campaigns. Barack Pro is set up as multi-layer fonts for multi-color lettering and

Cedar Street Font

Cedar Street simulates the look of a ballpoint pen on a porous notepad. I find it interesting especially for the little bulbous ends of the strokes where the pen soaked into the paper. Cedar Street has a single, medium weight