Tag: contemporary

Saiihah Font

The word Saiihah is the Arabic for shout. Saiihah is an Arabic display font with an extra heavy style. It suits branding, posters and advertising. Published by Scribo StudioDownload Saiihah

Klainy Font

If “Grotesque” mainly means “industrial, mechanical, anonymous typeface” to you, Klainy might redefine your image of the genre. Yes, it’s a Grotesque—but with a contemporary look and a lot of personality. Klainy’s apertures are more closed at the top and

Plunct Plact Font

If you say it, say it cool​. Say it with Plunct Plact, a​n original ​font duo that’s worth a thousand words. Published by PintassilgoPrintsDownload Plunct Plact

TG Hagia Font

Tg Hagia is contemporary serif font inspired by Modern Culture. This font is highly recommended for use as display and body text. Tg Hagia is available in three widths namely regular, semi-bold and bold Published by Tegami TypeDownload TG Hagia

Campuni Font

Campuni is a sans-serif typeface that can be described as an “upright italic”: its letters are modeled on the handwritten forms of italics—but without the slant. This gives Campuni a contemporary, charming, and trustworthy character. As with most modern sans-serif

Fuse V.2 Font

Fuse Vol 2 is an extension to our popular Fuse type family. All of the corners of the typeface’s character are rounded, making Fuse Vol 2 friendlier and more amiable variant of the original Fuse. Designed with powerful OpenType features

Emy Slab Font

Emy Slab is a slab serif based on the classical proportions of Egyptian typefaces but with soft terminals that give the font a more friendly and modern look. Emy Slab consists of two subfamilies of 7 weights, ranging from Thin