Tag: display
Javiera Font
Javiera is a geometric sans-serif typeface with humanist attributes. One of its main features is its small x-height, which makes ascenders and descenders look longer. The contrast gives the font a more stylised look, typical of humanist fonts. Curves and
COCOMAT is a typeface variant from the COCO GOTHIC family of sans serif geometric typefaces. It’s inspired by the style of the twenties and the visions of italian futurists like Fortunato Depero, Giacomo Balla and Antonio Sant’Elia. It’s a typeface
Librum Sans Font
This is the companion sans family to make the Librum serif families work as well as they do. By companion, I do mean stylistically compatible. But mainly, they have the same vertical metrics. So they work very well for run-in
Toriga Font
The Toriga typeface was named after the Portuguese grape variant known as Touriga Nacional. This fun typeface boasts the features of a well-balanced, versatile, modern sans which is highly legible as a text font and with a clean, elegant look
Casual Delight Font
He stood, pinching and pulling the front of his chinos off his Derbys like a still-thin Wilford Brimley. The strained gesture belied our customary Casual Delight. He wasn't born and bred in those clothes–his old man wore sweatpants like the
Ruda Slab Font
Rauda Slab font family has been designed for Graviton Font Foundry by Pablo Balcells in 2017. It is a display, slab serif, geometric typeface, with sharp angles that provides a strong and solid appearence. Rauda Slab consists of 8 styles.
Chrome Syrup Font
Here we are, giving matter mad shine. Mad as bathing hot cakes in mercury, dripping off quick like silver with a sticky sparkle. Chrome Syrup in squeeze bottles, in the door of your fridge, to the door of your car,
Egalite Font
Egalite iis a Slab-Serif face with a combination between sharp and Rounded shape, the sharp serif, and rounded terminals give a fun yet serious feel. It also have a low contrast shape to give more strong feel and personality. Come
Buckthorn Font
Buckthorn is a genus of about 110 species of shrubs and small trees, native to North America and Asia. Its uses are varied: it is used for dye, oil, printing ink and oil. That concludes the botany class for today,
Clarence Cyrillic Font
Clarence Cyrillic is a playful and rounded display font design. Published by RodrigoTypoDownload Clarence Cyrillic
Familia Script Font
It’s a beautiful, elegant, clean and unique typeface you need to have! Contains over 1000 glyphs, it has many alternate characters so you can make a beautiful decorative type easily. Familia Script is truly a perfect script for any project
Librum Group Font
Librum is a 4-font text family specifically constructed for its use in book design. Its wider letter spacing works best in body copy sizes from 8-point to 15-point. It is slightly condensed and has several graphics in various rarely used
Letteria Script Font
Letteria Script is a script font that recovers the spirit of lettering on signs, products labels and store facades found across the American continent. The family comes in 5 weights and each of them gives glimpses of the tool behind
JT Alvito Font
The JT Alvito family includes 5 weights with matching italics. It is ideally used as a display typeface but can also be used in body copy. You will find that it works particularly well in advertising, packaging, logo design and
Uni Neue Font
Uni Neue is the whole new redesigned version (remake) of Uni Sans – one the most recognizable and signature font families of Fontfabric type foundry. From major changes like proportions, widths and thickness (weights) to the smaller details, this new
Carina Pro Font
Like Phenix out of the ashes the former Schriftguss hot-metal font “Rautendelein” has come to live again. Carina Pro was carefully extended for multilingual use, and contains a few alternates which can be activated via the swash OpenType feature. Published
Elwi the Gentle Giant Font
Elwi The Gentle Giant is a typeface with a tall stature and a gentle demeanor. The typeface is a visual exploration of the contrast between strength and gentleness and how these contrasting themes can work together so beautifully. This combination