Tag: editorial

Herova Font

Herova is a decorative font design published by Gatype Published by GatypeDownload Herova

Vancouver Font

Introducing the sophciated of modern typography with Vancouver – Condensed Display.  This font embodies the essence of modernity, allowing your words to command attention on every page. Its condensed form and contemporary design make a striking impression, while maintaining readability

Twogether Sans Font

Twogether Sans builds upon the achievements of Twogether Rounded, creating a more comprehensive system and positioning itself as a suitable choice for general text usage. By removing the rounded elements from each character, Twogether Sans gains increased flexibility and a broader range of possibilities

Saigon Font

Saigon is a minimalist condensed serif family. With clean lines and tight curves, its personality dwells in its simplicity making it a timeless editorial typeface. As the italic breaks with the traditional strokes and embrace a more modest yet modern

ZT Floogn Font

The new ZT Floogn font family, designed by khaiuns and published by zelowtype, is a modern, dense sans serif style with a rounded look. This font is characterized by its balanced proportions, uniform stroke width, and subtle variations in typeforms,

Aqueo Font

Aqueo™ is a versatile display font family inspired by the cylindrical wireframe of a water glass. The one-sided round corner details added a contemporary feel to this unique typeface. It comes in 6 weights and 12 styles. To ensure the