Tag: family

Sans Beam Font - Image 1

Sans Beam Font

After releasing Amsi in 2015, this year Sans Beam is now ready to launch with the design that support many different usability from Headline to Body text, and specifically designed to be compatible with other font families of Stawix Foundry.

Revista Font - Image 5

Revista Font

Revista is a typographic system that brings together all the features to undertake any fashion magazine-oriented project. The font harmoniously blends different styles into a single big family, which consists of a Didone uppercase and small caps family—including 4 variants

Modernica Standard Font - Image 9

Modernica Standard Font

Modernica Standard™ is an excellent tool that provides a large range of possibilities in design work. It is a sans serif font that contains eight weights plus matching italics. Modernica Standard™ is the extension of the Mazurquica family, a condensed

Arquitecta Standard Font - Image 10

Arquitecta Standard Font

Arquitecta Standard. The humanist typography as a rational project. Since the experimentation from the Bauhaus through modern sans history we looked for a new mix to construct a rational geometric typeface with humanist proportions suitable for text layout and continuous

Life Font - Image 12

Life Font

Life is an elegant and beautiful serif design by Francesco Simoncini, W. Bilz, created in 1965. Published by URW Type Foundry GmbHDownload Life

Newslab Font - Image 13

Newslab Font

Newslab is a slab serif font – designed by Daniel Hernandez – which is the result of the combination of three different typefaces: Andes, Sanchez and Roble. Harmony among every feature of the typefaces makes Newslab a neutral but imposing