Tag: formal

Janson Font

This is URW’s digitization and design of Miklós Tótfalusi Kis’s classic serif Janson. Janson is the name given to an old-style serif typeface named for Dutch punch-cutter and printer Anton Janson. Research in the 1970s and early 1980s, however, concluded

Paganini Font

Designed in 1928 by Alessandro Butti under the direction of Raffaello Bertieri for the Nebiolo foundry, Paganini defies standard categorization. While it definitely is a classic foundry text face with obvious roots in the oldstyle of the Italian renaissance, its

Signpainters Script Font

For his new typeface Coen Hofmann was inspired by old sign lettering. This design Signpainters Script was a typical one used as a handdrawn lettering for shop windows and fascias in the days when cutting plotters were still a thing

President Font

Designed by Adrian Frutiger, President is a sharp serif release by URW. Contains language support for West, East, Turkish, Baltic, and Romanian. Published by URW Type Foundry GmbHDownload President

P22 Late November Font

P22 Late November is a new font family from Norwegian type designer Torliev Sverdrup. The font is a transitional Antiqua-inspired type design great for text and display uses Late November is a transitional Antiqua-inspired type design. Says Torliev: “I started

Sonata Pro Font

profonts Sonata and profonts Concerto are closely related to each other. In fact, the only difference between the two related fonts is in the upper case characters. profonts Concerto’s upper cases are more complex, swashier than those in profonts Sonata.

Wagner Script Font

This gem of a script was what metal era typographers called a continental face, which essentially meant an old, most likely uncredited, metal face that was common to many European foundries. This particular one ran the rounds in the first

LTC Ornaments Two Font

LTC Ornaments Two is the first Lanston Ornament font which uses OpenType features to assist in decorative border creation. The ornaments themselves features designs of Fournier and other classic fleurons and ornaments whose origins date back to the earliest printers.

Life Font

Life is an elegant and beautiful serif design by Francesco Simoncini, W. Bilz, created in 1965. Published by URW Type Foundry GmbHDownload Life

Glasgow Font

Designed by Steve Jackaman, Glasgow is a modern and unique sans-serif font that was re-tooled from the original QBF Collection. Published by Red RoosterDownload Glasgow

Bodoni M Font

Bodoni is a classic serif release by URW, originally designed by type legend Giambattista Bodoni in 1798. This version of Bodoni contains language support for West, East, Turkish, Baltic, and Romanian. The typeface is classified as didone modern. Bodoni followed

Feather Script Font

Introduced by Lettering Inc in the mid 1940s, this majestic handwritten advertisers script was originally developed by the talented bullpen of Chicago based Lettering Inc. Originally designed as display handlettering for department store catalogs and automobile advertising, Feather Script (known

Baucher Gothic Font

Baucher Gothic is a headline, tall and geometric typeface designed by URW Studio in 1995. Baucher Gothic contains 12 fonts, and comes with language support for West, East, Turkish, Baltic and Romanian. Published by URW Type Foundry GmbHDownload Baucher Gothic