Tag: formal
Silverado Font
Designed by Steve Jackaman, Silverado is based on a classic serif type design called Eldorado. Published by Red RoosterDownload Silverado
Leighton Font
Designed by Paul Hickson, Leighton is a clean serif based on Lectura, a design by Dick Dooijes of the Amsterdam Foundry (1966). Published by Red RoosterDownload Leighton
Fraktura Font
“Fraktura” and “Fraktura Plus” is a set of classical Fraktur (Blackletter) in a modern interpretation. The two fonts differ in the amount of embellishments and can and should be mixed. I only sell the pair, but for a fair price.
Packard Font
Designed by Steve Jackaman & Ashley Muir. Packard Old Style is based on lettering drawn by Oswald Cooper for the Packard Motor Company (ATF 1913). The bold weight is credited to Morris Fuller Benton (ATF 1916), but it is highly
Byron Font
Designed by A. Pat Hickson, Byron is a script font based on a turn of the century design. Published by Red RoosterDownload Byron
Modernista Font
“Art Nouveau” happened over Europe under different names. They called it “Jugenstil” in Germany, “Le style moderne” in France, »Sezessionsstil« in Austria and Eastern Europe, “Stile Liberty” in Italy and “Modernista” in Spain. “Jugendstil” in Germany is what started modern
Gerlach Sans Font
As the foundry’s new flagship family, Gerlach Sans was named after the highest peak in Slovakia. Its functional design is enhanced by a few subtle ingredients, adding life and giving words a more playful voice. The family has eight weights
Wurlitzer Pro Font
Designed by Steve Jackaman & Ashley Muir. This design was inspired by an early 20th century woodtype. Wurlitzer contains all the high-end features expected in a quality OpenType Pro font. Published by Red RoosterDownload Wurlitzer Pro
Willard Sniffin Font
Designed by Willard T. Sniffin. Digitally engineered by Steve Jackaman. Based on the original Willard T. Sniffin design of 1933 for ATF, this informal brush script was known as Keynote. Published by Red RoosterDownload Willard Sniffin