Tag: handmade

Fela Font

Fela family was designed for books and posters for young children to gain high readability and nice feeling. Every glyph was hand drawn and shaped for better result. This typeface consists of different alternate glyphs with special automatic script, many

Danger Mode Font

When Raptor flies, I don’t care about surface to air missiles, attack helicopters, or tanks. I don’t even need powerups. I play in Danger Mode. And I win. Published by BLKBKDownload Danger Mode

Love Christmas Font

Following the success of our LoveHearts, valentine inspired ornaments, we decided to show our love for Christmas. With more than 170 hand drawn unique designs, LoveChristmas is the perfect choice for designing Christmas greeting cards and gift wraps as well

Sure Shot Font

Maybe you had a taste. Maybe you heard the rumours. The best fringe flavour became the best next thing–the Sure Shot cuisine we all craved. Published by BLKBKDownload Sure Shot

Rare Groove Font

Comin’ At Ya, like Coke Escovedo. From the deepest, darkest crates comes the lost sounds of the ’70s. This forfeited funk, squandered soul, and departed disco is the rediscovered Rare Groove ready to grace your ears and the finest Hip

Love Jones Font

He thought that she was all that, and that made him crazy. She didn’t know he existed, so his once weekly strolls past her shop became a daily occurrence. He knew that this was wrong so he retreated inside. Back

Deep Impact Font

After calibrating your diesel hammer, to optimize its performance , increase its piston’s ascent. Increase the speed of its descent. Break bedrock. Achieve Deep Impact. Published by BLKBKDownload Deep Impact

Velik Font

Velik is a hand drawn typeface, originally painted in ink and translated into a digital format for you to work and play with. My font journey so far was about embracing love for rational geometry but there is another child

Old Depot Font

Old Depot is a newly reworked idea for the Depot Trapharet 2D font. It supports more languages and is available in more lettering. Old Depot stands out with its industrial nature of archaic spirit. It is a wonderful choice for

Fresh Daily Font

Order up! Right out of the oven: A bold taste with big flavor! Here for your enjoyment, it’s the finest type served Fresh Daily. Made to order and only from BLKBK! Published by BLKBKDownload Fresh Daily

Naive Font

Naïve is a serif handwritten font designed by Fanny Coulez and Julien Saurin in Paris. Our goal was to draw a font with finely irregular lines that give a human and whimsical feeling. The three weights of this subtle Parisian

Beat Box Font

Floating and weaving, the track builds on the fundamental importance of footwork and head movement. Even when it is hard as a punch to the face. Any track can bang, but can the Beat Box? Published by BLKBKDownload Beat Box

PH Font

PH from Fontfabric Type Foundry is a multifaceted font system consisting of different font weights and type of condensation. Every one of these font weights contains a number of extension types – Condensed, Narrow, Regular, Extended and Wide. Along with

Aesthet Font

Aesthet is a sans serif type family of 4 weights. Based on the personal experience of rural living, Aesthet is a reflection to embrace simple, community and nature inspired lifestyle. The idea created during experimental exploration demonstrates the evolutionary transition

LeOsler Font

LeOsler is a decorative, fun, handwritten font which can be used in a wide range of languages, including English, Spanish, Italian, French, German, Polish, Czech, Vietnamese, Russian, Greek, among many others. LeOsler has 5 font styles, and 3 styles of