Tag: Heading

Frygia Font - Image 1

Frygia Font

Frygia is inspired by the astonishing mythology along with a new method and approach of type design. As an example, the construction of the lowercase g; the line structure which is slightly curved helps to aid the optical illusion and

Amsi Pro Font - Image 2

Amsi Pro Font

An unexpected encounter at ArtBasel that uses Block Berthold Condensed as their co-operated logo. It is purely a personal impression towards this particular font. Following the research, it turns out that this font has been around for approximately a hundred

Ashemore Font - Image 4

Ashemore Font

Ashemore developed as a result of my visits to Barcelona, Spain and to Germany, followed soon after by a visit to Asheville, North Carolina. Blending the styles of art and architecture from these three areas may seem initially to result