Tag: light
Hydrogen Font
Hydrogen is a clean geometric unicase family that expresses the mechanics, expansive technologies and conflicted ethics of the rapidly changing 21st century. Coupled with the right measure of Oxygen, Hydrogen becomes water, the ace of elements – rhythmic, dynamic, ever-flowing,
Spire Extra Light Font
Originally designed by Sol Hess for the Lanston Monotype Foundry in 1938 as a fat face, this extra light revival was designed by Ann Pomeroy in the early 90s. Spire is extra condensed with a very retro look. Published by
Mekon Font
A modern heavy weight typeface ideal for use on print, web, motion, t-shirts and apparel. Details include 4 styles with 3 alternatives, extended European character set, manually edited kerning and Euro symbol. Published by The Northern Block Download Mekon
Necia Font
Necia font family has been designed for Graviton Font Foundry by Pablo Balcells in 2014. It is a modular, geometric and slightly condensed typeface which has been conceived to be primarily a display typeface, but given its clarity it can
Baron Font
After Baronessa – funny but not crazy cartoon style font, Baron is an other handmade typeface, warm and friendly but not excessively childish. If Baronessa is a little feminine, Baron is neutral and it’s funny and serious at the same
Mangerica Italic Font
The italic version of Mangerica is deeply rooted in the calligraphic heritage of the Italics. This way the brush inspired strokes are emphasized as well as an overall calligraphic look. Far from being a mere slant, Mangerica Italic had every
Kyrial Display Pro Font
Designed in 2011 by Olivier Gourvat, this font family has generous proportions with a range of weights make it a versatile family for print and web design work. Kyrial Display Pro is also a pratical typographic choice to express strength,
Encorpada Pro Font
With seven weights and a lot of curves. Freely inspired by the didones shapes, Encorpada Pro now have a extended character set with more than 40 languages supported, Opentype Features and Amazing Swashes in Italic Version. Enjoy It. Published by
Verb Complete Series Font
Verb from Yellow Design Studio is a 72-font sans-serif superfamily that’s confident, friendly and energetic. At text sizes it’s highly legible, while at larger sizes it reveals lively shapes and personality. It has four subfamilies including Regular, Condensed, Extra Condensed,
Thirsty Soft Font
Thirsty Soft is a registered copyright © 2015 Yellow Design Studio. All Rights Reserved. Thirsty Soft from Yellow Design Studio is the rounder, warmer, extra-vintage version of Thirsty Script. While the original Thirsty Script has a caffeinated demeanor with sharp
Home Sweet Home Dingbats Font
I could dance with you until the cows come home. On second thought I’d rather dance with the cows until you come home. – Groucho Marx. Published by Outside The LineDownload Home Sweet Home Dingbats
Black Moon FY Font
Blackmoon FY is a modern broken script which is made out with only straight strokes. A beautiful singularity are the very thin in-and-outstrokes accompagnying each letter. This very high contrasted font is less condensed than usual blackletter fonts and has
Liebelei Font
“Liebelei” – dalliance, flirtation, hanky-panky (leo.org); kind of diminutive of “Liebe” (German for love) The typeface Liebelei has its roots back in 1932, when Vienna-based painter Rudolf Vogl created the poster for a movie called Liebelei after the popular play
Ambassador Plus Font
Hairline display fonts are elegant and subtle with touch of luxury. They are the Champagne of type. Ambassador Plus Family represents a set of classy typefaces best suitable for magazines, cosmetics packaging, advertising or any kind of fine and sensitive
Whisky Italics Font
Whisky is a blackletter font family with a casual touch that makes it look friendly and current. The stroke varies its thickness and angle endings making it form very dynamic bodies of text. Whisky Italics are the corresponding versions to