Tag: party
Naive Line Font
Naïve Line is an unusual handwritten serif font designed by Fanny Coulez and Julien Saurin in Paris. Our goal was to draw a font with finely irregular lines that give a human and whimsical feeling. We designed five weights, finely
Tartufo Font
A Tartufo is a truffle in Italian. I have to admit, I have never eaten one, so I couldn’t really tell you if they’re any good. I suppose they are, but you’ll have to find that out for yourselves! Tartufo
Pipeline Font
Designed by Steve Jackaman. An original design. Published by Red RoosterDownload Pipeline
Society Font
Society typeface is hand painted typeface designed to help you create the look of stunning custom hand-lettering. Published by MaghribDownload Society
Alegria Font
Alegria is a font family for joyful communication. The family consists of Alegria Roman (with upper/lowercase and oldstyle figures), Alegria Caps (with uppercase, small caps and lining figures), Alegria Bright (a small caps version with a three-dimensional feel) and Alegria
Sphinx Font
Designed by Steve Jackaman, Sphinx is a serif font based on the Deberny & Peignot, circa 1925. Originally, the inline was a capitals only font. Published by Red RoosterDownload Sphinx
Shamus Pro Font
Designed by Steve Jackaman & Ashley Muir. Shamus is a unique uncial design that contains several weights. Designed with many alternate glyphs and flourishes, Shamus embodies all the high-end features expected in a quality OpenType Pro font. Published by Red
Roller Font
Designed by A. Pat Hickson, Roller is a retro font design based on Iberica by Carlos Winkow for the Spanish foundry, Nacional, circa 1942. Published by Red RoosterDownload Roller
Javelin Font
Designed by A. Pat Hickson, Javelin is a sport-like and retro font design. Published by Red RoosterDownload Javelin
Connemara Old Style Pro Font
Designed by Steve Jackaman & Ashley Muir. A new uncial design with a decided Celtic feel. Connemara contains all the high-end features expected in a quality OpenType Pro font. Published by Red RoosterDownload Connemara Old Style Pro
Sinclair Font
Designed by A. Pat Hickson, Sinclair is an original script design released by Red Rooster. Published by Red RoosterDownload Sinclair
Willard Sniffin Font
Designed by Willard T. Sniffin. Digitally engineered by Steve Jackaman. Based on the original Willard T. Sniffin design of 1933 for ATF, this informal brush script was known as Keynote. Published by Red RoosterDownload Willard Sniffin
Cosmic Rays Font
Floating on photons, waving wings of pure energy, tail cocked to spear spacemen. The most alluring of all celestial fauna, Cosmic Rays navigate space by swimming through pure ether–familiar in their motion and form to their water-bound cousins. Published by
CA Wolkenfluff Font
Yum, yum, a fat sausage font including plain and highlighted letters and a »Stencil« style if you need to spray something on walls. No, no! The form of the typeface was inspired by the pixelated in-game title font of the
Bad Habits Font
Brother Radolf the Penitent enjoyed a peaceful life of prayer and penance… Until marauding heathens sacked his abbey and burned it to the ground. Now, there’s no more Mr. Nice Monk–he’s out to lash the unfaithful, wearing his Bad Habits.
Morning News Font
“Morning News” is the sister font of “Evening News” which I designed some years ago for use with my local newspaper “Abendzeitung”. “Morning News” is an adaption, a little bit rounder, which gives the font a much softer touch. The