Tag: perfume

Ela Font - Image 1

Ela Font

Ela is the typeface I originally designed for the business of my second wife and mother of my two sons, her name is ­ of course ­ Michaela. Ela the typeface is suitable for magazines, newspapers, posters, advertisements, books, text,

Kozmetica Font - Image 2

Kozmetica Font

Kozmetica is new original elegance from the dynamic team of Koziupa and Paul. Soft, warm forms made of pensively fluid strokes make for comfortable and classy delivery with just enough ornamentation to evoke the rich days of art deco. Kozemtica

Balladeer Font - Image 3

Balladeer Font

Balladeer is an elegant, classical script design coming in three styles as Light, Medium and Bold. Published by URW Type Foundry GmbHDownload Balladeer

Madrid Font - Image 6

Madrid Font

Designed by Steve Jackaman, Madrid is based on the typeface Nacional by Carlos Winkow from the Spanish foundry, Nacional (1941). Published by Red RoosterDownload Madrid

Copacabana Font - Image 7

Copacabana Font

Copacabana is heavily based on one of my favourite typefaces Goudy Old Style Italic. It is sharper and more clearly defined than Goudy yet still retains it old style characteristics. The face is slightly angled so is basically upright whilst

The Charles Bluemlein Script Collection Font - Image 8

The Charles Bluemlein Script Collection Font

The Complete Charles Bluemlein Script Collection is an intriguing reminder of the heady days of hand lettering and calligraphy in the United States. From the early 1930s through World War II, there were about 200 professional hand letterers working in

Coliseum Font - Image 9

Coliseum Font

Coliseum was designed by A. Pat Hickson/Julie Hopwood. An original design and release by Red Rooster. Published by Red RoosterDownload Coliseum

Vatican Font - Image 10

Vatican Font

Vatican is a calligraphic face. The lower case is influenced by the lettering of Arthur Baker but the caps are more formal, the shape of the Cap V reminded me of a Bishops Mitre which led eventually to the name.

Alphabet Soup Pro Font - Image 11

Alphabet Soup Pro Font

Designed by Steve Jackaman. In the early 1980’s, Steve worked at Typographic House in Boston, Massachusetts. At the time, ‘Typo’ House, as it was affectionately known, was the largest type house in New England. This font was designed and produced

Brigade Font - Image 12

Brigade Font

In searching for a Roman to use there were bits of Bembo,Times,Garamond etc., that I liked and bits that I did not. So I set out to take the best bits of all my favourite Romans and tried to create

Darjeeling Font - Image 13

Darjeeling Font

Darjeeling combines British Elegance and Indian Flavor. It is flared like Optima, with a scent of Bodoni. By layering Regular and Ornaments over each other You will create astounding pieces of colorful typography. Additionally there is a Regnaments style which

Caslon Extra Condensed Font - Image 17

Caslon Extra Condensed Font

Designed by Steve Jackaman, Caslon Extra Condensed is based on the Ludlow/ATF versions of this great typeface. Published by Red RoosterDownload Caslon Extra Condensed

Cumulus and Foam Font - Image 18

Cumulus and Foam Font

Cumulus & Foam, the most beautifully grotesque font of our time. As it is in life, it is in art: beautiful is easy, reassuring, and affirming. It commands a comfortable space, and reliably adheres to the rules established therein. In