Tag: small caps

Maiden Orange Pro Font

Our Maiden Orange Pro is a light and festive slab serif font inspired by custom hand lettered 1950’s advertisements. Clean and legible, while also being offbeat and friendly, this font lends itself to a wide variety of uses. The SmallCaps

McLaren Pro Font

Our McLaren Pro was created to act as a generic go-to comic style lettering. Its simple and clean letterforms mixed with a mild bounce have an offbeat quality to it without going too far. It is cleanly legible for small

Maiden Orange Inline Pro Font

A festive spin off our Maiden Orange Pro typeface, Maiden Orange Inline Pro comes packed with all of the features of the original Maiden Orange Pro typeface, but adds a little more visual flavor with hand drawn inline cuts, leaning

Termina Font

Amongst the landscape of geometrics, Termina breaks the norm with its generously wide letterforms. The typeface was conceived after finding and examining specimens for Industria, a family designed by Hermann Zehnpfundt in the early nineteen-hundreds for Emil Gursch. Something about

Bw Stretch Font

Bw Stretch is a compressed grotesque suited for display but also body text purposes. Inspired by early wood-block screen-printing sans serif designs, it spreads across eight weights from Thin to Heavy, covering all European Latin languages. It includes extended features

Strato Pro Font

Strato Pro font family is a modern serif typeface family with readability and legibility in mind. Inspired by Classic Roman typeface design, Strato Pro has 16 weights, ranging from book to black with small caps and an ornament set if

Averta Standard Font

Averta Standard is the basic version of Averta. Bringing together features from early European grotesques and American gothics, Kostas Bartokas’ (Greek: ‘αβέρτα’ – to act or speak openly, bluntly or without moderation, without hiding) Averta is a geometric sans serif

Garamond Antiqua Pro Font

A font classic as a RMU redesign – a small yet mighty family with a West and Central European character set plus Cyrillic. All three styles include small caps and oldstyle figures. To get access of those special characters in

Pancetta Pro Font

Pancetta Pro is a squarish sans-serif typeface with semi-closed aperture and pillow-shaped terminals. The shape of a pillow is furthermore used to enliven the boring horizontal stems which are very frequent in Cyrillic script, and get rid of the right

Korpus Sans Pro Font

A sans serif body text font family which covers West and East European languages as well as. Cyrillic and Greek. All styles included small caps and old style figures. Published by RMU TypedesignDownload Korpus Sans Pro

Petala Pro Font

Pétala Pro gave his first steps almost ten years ago. During this time, the quest for perfection had forced several interruptions. It was necessary recalculate the route, tread other ways, discover new maps, and make easy curves. After all, a

Rodchenko Font

Designed at ParaType in 1996-2002 by Tagir Safayev. Inspired by works of Russian Constructivists of the 1920s and 30s: Alexander Rodchenko, Varvara Stepanova, Vladimir and George Stenberg, Gustav Klutsis and others. A geometrical, caps and small caps only, sans serif

Breakers Slab Font

Breakers Slab is a companion to sans serif Breakers. It’s a versatile typeface that is strong in headlines and legible in text, with a range of distinct weights from delicate thin to chunky ultra. With small caps included and over

Regan Slab Font

A precision cut slab serif typeface. Simple curves are combined with sharp angles to provide a readable font with subtle characteristics. Regan Slab is ideally suited to a wide range of applications including magazines, newspapers and handheld devices. Details include

Archie Font

Archie is a wide attention-grabber based on a simple geometric alphabet drawn in the early 1930s by Dutch calligrapher and lettering artist Martin Meijer. This digital family expands considerably on the original letters, adding biform shapes, small caps, italics across