Tag: stories
Romelu Font
Romelu is a serif font design published by Ahmad Ramzi Fahruddin Published by Ahmad Ramzi FahruddinDownload Romelu
Liliana Font
Liliana is a geometrical typeface, born throughout comprehensive formal studies while testing new ways of displaying certain words and sentences. The essential structure of Liliana is very conservative: It can look similar to other geometrical typographies, however, it has unique features
Isabel SemiCondensed Font
Isabel SemiCondensed, together with Isabel Condensed and Isabel were made out of necessity to create a new font for children and teenagers, that could be enough friendly and versatile for text in words or even easy-to- read long texts. The
Informative Font
Informative is a typeface consisting of a whole family of sans fonts and a collection of thematic pictograms. This combination of two different types of communication reflects the current need for using text and images as means of conveying information
Mandrel Font
From the realm of insigne, a new family has risen. By name, Mandrel. Courtly in character and elegant in appearance, the face finds great favor among those with whom it seeks audience. With confident air, Mandrel carries itself gracefully before
Isabel Condensed Font
Isabel condensed and Isabel were made out of necessity to create a new font for children and teenagers, that could be enough friendly and versatile for text in words or even easy-to- read long texts. The purpose of Isabel is
Isabel Font
Isabel was made out of necessity to create a new font for children and teenagers, that could be enough friendly and versatile for text in words or even easy-to- read long texts. The purpose of Isabel is to combine all