Tag: sudtipos
Delving into Marti Sans: An Exquisite Fusion of Typography Traditions and Modernity
In a world of digital design where form and function intertwine, the choice of typography is a critical aspect of a designer’s toolkit. Emerging from this competitive stratosphere is a typeface that exhibits character and sophistication: Marti Sans. A Fusion
Twogether Sans Font
Twogether Sans builds upon the achievements of Twogether Rounded, creating a more comprehensive system and positioning itself as a suitable choice for general text usage. By removing the rounded elements from each character, Twogether Sans gains increased flexibility and a broader range of possibilities
Zulia Pro Font
Zulia is located in the west of Venezuela and it is the state in where Joluvian grew up. It is a region of sunshine, high temperatures, oil and cheerful people, although we choose the name to honor his mother who
Brisa Font
The dynamic design duo of Koziupa and Paul strike again. This time they cover the space from light nonchalance to eerie darkness, and everything in between. Quicker than lightning and just as poignant, Brisa shows unprecedented determination, presence of spirit,
Santino Font
Santino is a rounded monoline, post-bauhaus geometric font with smooth extremes and a touch of modern sensuality. It is named after Ariel Negro Di Lisio’s son. Published by SudtiposDownload Santino
Marzo Font
Marzo is a monoline, minimalist, modern typeface, that tries to take its forms to a state of natural purity, definitively elegant. Designed by Ariel Di Lisio and digitized by Alejandro Paul. Published by SudtiposDownload Marzo
The Charles Bluemlein Script Collection Font
The Complete Charles Bluemlein Script Collection is an intriguing reminder of the heady days of hand lettering and calligraphy in the United States. From the early 1930s through World War II, there were about 200 professional hand letterers working in
Politica Font
Describe the 21st century politician. Left or right? Fat or thin? War or peace? Straight or gay? Hard or soft? Male or female? Pro or con? Young or old? East or west? Now look at the Politica super-family and see
Downtempo Font
Downtempo is a 4-weight font family with some uniques characters including the ch ligature and some other Spanish language characters together with a really special italic style. Published by SudtiposDownload Downtempo
Affair Font
Affair. It’s an event and you’re invited. Affair is an extraordinary new calligraphic typeface by Alejandro Paul with a party full of swash characters, ligatures, and ornaments. By default, it’s simply an elegant yet readable display face. Dress it up