Tag: text

Brother 1816 Font - Image 2

Brother 1816 Font

This year we commemorate the 200th anniversary of the first sans-serif typeface. and what better way to celebrate, than to design our own sans-serif! Brother 1816 is a very flexible, multifaceted and solid typeface, mixing Geometric shapes with Humanistic strokes

Rival Sans Font - Image 4

Rival Sans Font

Rival sans is clean sans serif font family and it characterized by excellent readability and its contemporary aspect. It provides advanced typographical support with features such as case sensitive forms, small caps, ligatures, alternate characters, fractions, slashed zero, circled figures,

Hunter Skyfar Font - Image 7

Hunter Skyfar Font

Hunter Skyfar is a brush style font design, published by Ferry Hadriyan. Published by Ferry HadriyanDownload Hunter Skyfar

Wonderfebia Font - Image 9

Wonderfebia Font

Wowangle is a elegant and modern script design published by Ferry Hadriyan. Published by Ferry HadriyanDownload Wonderfebia

Yorkten Slab Font - Image 14

Yorkten Slab Font

The Yorkten family of fonts is back with another satisfying addition to its clean style. The rhythmic, new Yorkten Slab expands Yorkten’s basic, contemporary form of geometric and simple lines and adds a level of self-confidence and elegance to your

Sequel Sans Font - Image 15

Sequel Sans Font

Sequel Sans is an homage to Max Bill, the influential mid-century Swiss architect, artist and industrial/graphic/type designer. Designed in cooperation with the Max Bill Georges Vantongerloo Foundation in Zurich, this is a modern response to the traditional Max Bill themed