Tag: text

Parity Sans Font

There is a lot to choose from in this unicase megafamily, with roman and italic, six weights, text and display styles, and both proportional and monowidth versions! Published by ShinntypeDownload Parity Sans

Base Neue Font

Base Neue is the reincarnation of the basic typography (adaptation) of modern civilization. InkTrap is applied and many variations that can be used for this typeface, from very narrow media to extra-large publications. Weights from thin to black and then

Rahere Roman Font

Rahere Roman Display is an elegant design with flared stems and subtle old style features, influenced by Berthold Wolpe’s wonderful Albertus font and (to a lesser extent) fonts based on Roman square capitals. It’s a classic design for the modern

Pulse JP Font

Pulse JP is a constructivist text and display font that differs from comparable fonts due to its special sharpness and harmonious balance. Its technical and constructed form creates a somewhat artificial impression of special appeal. It is ideal for display

Hilmar Font

Hilmar is a sans serif font design published by Graptail Published by GraptailDownload Hilmar

Chomiqy Font

Presenting the ️CHOMIQY Typeface️ by alitdesign. The CHOMIQY Typeface is inspired by the style of letters in comics that have less serious and fun characters. The lettering of CHOMIQY Typeface is a serif with display font characters which gives a

Chomixi Font

Presenting the ️CHOMOXI Comic Typeface️ by alitdesign. The CHOMOXI Comic Typeface is inspired by the style of letters in comics that have less serious and fun characters. The lettering of CHOMOXI Comic Typeface is a serif with display font characters

Codeline Mono Font

Codeline Mono is a friendly monospaced typeface designed to appear more modern, softer and less formal than the usually robotic and strict mono fonts. Unique and highly versatile, this family includes over 400 glyphs in each of its twelve styles

Boscha Font

Boscha is a sans serif font design published by Maulana Creative Published by Maulana CreativeDownload Boscha

Cuffrotes Font

Cuffrotes is a script font design published by Maulana Creative Published by Maulana CreativeDownload Cuffrotes

Duckie Font

Duckie is a retro font design published by Alit Suarnegara Published by Alit SuarnegaraDownload Duckie

Brainy Variable Font

Brainy Variable is a sans serif font design published by Beovtype Published by BeovtypeDownload Brainy Variable