For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated with patterns. Growing up in a home built in the 1920s that had very interesting wallpaper throughout can have that effect. These icons and tiles are a result of several sketches accumulated in my many notebooks, finally redrawn and assembled into an easy to use font format.
Wallflowers features 26 unique hand drawn wallpaper tiles and their accompanying icons for standalone use. These dingbats can be used as icons, borders, and/or wallpaper patterns.Wallflowers are very easy to use, for borders or wallpaper, simply type the same letter consecutively (aaaa, bbbb, etc.) and voila! The pattern will emerge. Refer to the Users Guide in the Gallery and included with your download for further instruction and to view the patterns included.Wallflowers may be used as an embedded background image on websites without a special license or license upgrade.